Casual Dating Tips!

The Benefits of Online Adult Hookups

This type of casual sex can provide a unique and thrilling experience for men seeking intimacy without the commitment. We've all been there - you meet someone at a bar, strike up a conversation, and before you know it, you're making your way back to their place. The chemistry is undeniable, and you're both eager to take things to the next level. But as much as you want to take it slow and enjoy the ride, your hormones are out of control and you just can't resist the urge to hop in the sack!

But is hooking up with strangers really the best way to satisfy your sexual desires? In this article, we'll explore the pros of adult hookups, why they're such a popular choice among men, and why they're worth considering:

Pros of Adult Hookups:

1. Reduced Commitment: One of the biggest advantages of adult hookups is the reduced commitment. With casual sex, there's no expectation of a long-term relationship or future in the picture. This means you can take things slow, go on non-committal adventures, and enjoy the experience without feeling weighed down by the weight of long-term responsibilities.

2. Variety: When it comes to adult hookups, variety is the spice of life. You can meet people of all ages, backgrounds, and sexual preferences. Whether you prefer a traditional threesome, a swinging experience, or something more kinky, there's no limit to what you can explore with adult hookups.

3. Time Efficiency: Let's face it - finding a partner in the traditional dating scene can be a lot of work. With adult hookups, you can quickly and easily meet people in your area who are also looking for sex without the time and effort of traditional dating.

4. Intimacy without Emotions: For some guys, the emotional side of a relationship can be overwhelming. With casual sex, you can enjoy an intimate physical connection without the need for deep emotions, emotional connections, or commitment.

5. Increased Self-Esteem: Adult hookups can also do wonders for your self-esteem. When you're able to meet people of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds, it makes you feel more attractive and desirable.

Conclusion: While there are obviously risks and drawbacks to adult hookups, the pros outweigh the cons for many guys. Whether you're looking for variety, reduced commitment, or simply a physical connection without the need for emotional depth, casual sex can be the perfect way to satisfy your sexual desires. Just remember to use protection, stay safe, and don't make any rash decisions. Enjoy the ride, stay safe, and happy hunting.

No Strings Sex Tips For Men

Sex with no strings attached is one of the ultimate goals that men have when it comes to bedding women, and you know what? Most guys look at it kind of like the Loch Ness monster, meaning, they don't think it really exists. And in some ways, they would be right. There are always 'some' strings attached to sex, there's no way to get around it. However, you can parlay a situation where the strings are not all that cumbersome, so that it DOES feel like you are just having fun and there are no real strings that come attached with the sex.

Here are some tips on sex with no strings attached that can help you make it become more than just a dream:

1. You have to know, before you do anything at all, that the woman is going to want something in return.

Like I said, the idea that you can have sex without any kind of strings involved really does not exist. At most, you might get a one night stand that way, but there is some kind of ongoing relationship if you continue having sex with a woman. That is something that you have to keep in mind, because if you treat a woman like you are just looking for a warm place to get off, eventually she is going to deny you what you want and then you are going to be left with nothing more than a box of tissues sitting next to your laptop.

2. She has to be a sexually liberated woman, which are rare, or else things will get messy.

Regardless of what you may hear or what you may want to believe, truly sexually liberated women are pretty rare. These are the women that you can have a really casual sexual relationship with and not have to run into her catching feelings and wanting something more. Choosing to try and sex with no strings attached relationship with any other kind of woman will almost always turn out messier than you imagine.

3. You have to be able to handle the no strings attached thing yourself.

Not as many guys can handle having sex with a woman on an ongoing basis and not catching feelings themselves. This is especially true if she is good looking and fun to be with. Many times a guy will think that he can do this, just because he is a guy, and next thing you know– he's falling for her. That is not such a bad thing if she is feeling the same way, but if she isn't– you can end up getting really hurt by the whole thing.

You know, any way that you want to look at it, if you are going to have an ongoing relationship of any kind with a woman– there are going to be some strings attached to it. Luckily, if you choose the right woman, and you can handle an ongoing casual sexual relationship yourself, then you CAN make it happen and have a whole lot of fun doing it. You always have to remember that it's never about using a woman, it's about having an incredible experience that you can share with her.

Swinging Tips For Single Men

You think you want to swing? Do you daydream about having two girls at once? Do you want to see your girlfriend with another woman? Maybe you want to see her with another man while you take on another woman and join in for sloppy seconds?

If you want to make your dreams a reality, you have to ask yourself if you love the dream enough to risk ruining your relationship. Relationships more secure than yours have failed after this carnal experiment because not only is it a lifestyle change, but it will change your relationship for good. This isn't a decision you can make over a light lunch.

Like losing your virginity, once it's given, it's gone. Swinging is a choice that has unknown ramifications and unforeseen consequences and benefits. This kind of activity has no certain result: You can either destroy your relationship or enhance it. Think of swinging as the extreme where there's no in-between. You can decimate and obliterate your happy relationship or you can find the lifestyle you've been searching for. The choice, as always, is with you and your love. If you choose to go with it, here are some tips for leading a successful swinging lifestyle.

When any decision can have such potentially damaging possibilities, it is very wise to question what your motivations are. People get into swinging for a variety of reasons. Maybe you're tired of having the same, predictable sex life that comes with a long-term, monogamous relationship. Maybe your woman wants to explore her Sapphic side or you both want to get to know your sexual selves by experimenting with others. Maybe you both have lusty desires to see your partner with another woman or man, acting out hidden fantasies and kinks.

Want to explore that BDSM side? Want to try a little domination or role-playing? Adding people to the party brings with it different experiences. It is extremely important to understand your wishes, wants and hopes for this lifestyle change. It would be the height of irresponsibility and utter disrespect to your partner if you both did not carefully examine why you want to do this. Even the strongest relationships often don't survive this choice. The reality is that neither of you can predict how you'll feel after seeing or knowing that your loved one was with another person. You can destroy yourself and your love with nagging insecurity that ravages with unparalleled pain. You can not know how each of you will feel, think or wonder after you do this, so please think about this carefully and define your reasons for wanting to try it.

Now that you've gone through the pros and cons and made your list of reasons for doing it, you're ready to begin your alternative lifestyle. But what do you do now? We're lucky that we live in a digital world. The internet has grown to such proportions that, at any given time, we can find whatever we're looking for whenever we want it. Conduct a Google search on swinging and you will get more sites than you know what to do with. From clubs, to how-to articles, to locations of parties and people in the swinging community, you'll find all the information you need online so you can discover and enjoy like-minded individuals.

You can join an online community, post personal ads, respond to many others seeking the same, and learn everything you want to know by using the internet. You'll find that there are many different types of swingers and swinging. There are bi-curious females, heterosexual couples, gay or lesbian couples, and fetishists. Clubs are nearly everywhere, and etiquette is key. This standard applies to the digital community as well as your geographical one: Treat others with respect and accept "No" graciously. You can and will ruin your reputation if you walk into a club expecting to have consensual sex with whomever you please. It's just like any other club, albeit with more sexual freedom. It still requires that its patrons operate under the yes/no policy. When a man or woman says "No," back off. There are no ifs or buts about it. Don't ask why they declined, just move on.

Think of some of the most outrageous parties you've been to: Have you seen women chained to walls, naked people meandering about, people having sex on the floor, orgies on the table, people conversing while intimately fondling someone else, people in costumes or role-playing, and moans and groans of pleasure rocking the house or club? This can be a typical scene if you decide to become a swinger. You must keep in mind, however, that rules vary from party to party and club to club. You need to make knowing them a priority before you walk in. House parties tend to be more informal and gratuitous in their decadence. They abide by the rules of the person throwing the event, so know the limits of the party you're attending. A club may have more stringent regulations to generally protect everyone involved.

Depending on your preferences, the house party is more intimate, being a smaller space, but a club may offer amenities the house party can't. With more money being made at clubs, things like security, cleanliness, and safety may be made more paramount. For instance, there could be washers and dryers on-site to clean the towels you will use, rather than the dubious house party with towels lying indiscriminately.

Some house parties and clubs have their spaces divided into rooms where naked people frolic, rooms where semi-dressed or costumed people roam about, a room with an open orgy for anyone to join, and a fetishist BDSM room a few doors down.

To best follow the rules of the house or club, you must find out which rooms offer enjoyment to people wanting to fondle and squeeze, and which rooms require explicit permissiveness. Don't touch, take or taste without that person's and their partner's permission.

The decision is black and white; there's no grey when it comes to choosing a swinging lifestyle. If you and your partner decide to swing, you better have great communication skills and inherent honesty with each other. Without either of these components, this foray into sexual exploration will end up in dismal tragedy. Swinging is not for the relationship that has even a kernel of insecurity, distrust, dishonesty or jealousy. This type of sexual freedom only exists within the narrow confines of a truly trusting relationship. There is no in-between. Good luck in whatever you decide, and make your choice with eyes wide open because you never know how things will turn out until after it all happens.

How To Have Outdoor Sex With Strangers

Here's something for all of you looking for a one-night tryst but don't want to venture further than the public park. It's called "dogging," and it's essentially having sex in a car parked in a public place with other people watching or even joining in.This pastime originated in the U.K., where it is no less than a craze, but now it's rapidly gaining popularity in the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, Ireland, and New Zealand.The name is derived from Peeping Toms who would follow, or "dog," couples hoping to catch them having sex. Then dogging was done in the tube stations late at night. In its most recent incarnation, it's being done in parking lots and parks. Now if you're interested in getting involved in the dogging scene, here's some information about the rules, where to find the scene and how it's done.

Doggers usually find each other amid Internet forums and newsgroups. It's much quicker than popping into every park in the area looking for action. Some dogging forums will post time and place of these events. Other times they ask doggers to reply with their cell phone number then use text messages to reveal the location, to ensure it remains secret. In the U.K., doggers' websites list the most popular secluded locations, like public parks and parking lots.

Doggers use a series of simple signals to let others know what they're up to:

If you want to invite voyeurs to approach your car and get an eyeful, park in a somewhat visible spot, then flash your headlights or leave the interior car light on. This will tell everyone that you're doggers and you're about to put on a show.

When there are voyeurs outside the car watching you, roll down the windows a smidgen if you want them to get an even better view of the action.

If you want them to share in the sexual activity, the accepted way to do this is by opening the door and letting one of them in or by getting out of the vehicle.

There are rules of etiquette when it comes to the dogging affair:

Don't attract unwanted attention! Driving around aimlessly at a dogging spot desperately looking for action is a sure way to bring law enforcement down on you. And, of course, this will ruin it for every other dogger there. When you show up at a dogging spot, be discreet and patient. If you're in the right place, something will go down. Relax, don't be aggressive or overly persistent, or you will frighten everyone away. Use protection, always use condoms. A no-brainer, really, as you are potentially going to have sex with a stranger or strangers. Respect the women at a dogging event. Without them, it would be a sausage fest. This means no touching the ladies without expressed consent. Clean up after you're done. Remove all traces of sexual activity such as condom wrappers, condoms, tissues, panties... whatever. The second that regular park-goers find a used rubber in the pristine grass, the cops will start clamping down on doggers. Keep it legal. In the U.K., dogging is not exactly illegal, as the law is a little sketchy about public nudity. In the U.S., this practice is going to be more of a challenge to do legally. Know the laws of the land when it comes to public displays of affection. Even if you like being watched, you don't want Mr. John Q. Law peeking through your window.

There are a few simple things you can do to protect yourself when dogging to protect yourself:

Store valuables. All your valuables should go in the glove box; lock them up, if possible. Your powered-up and charged cell phone should always be ready for use... just in case. Keep the car doors locked. Do so unless you trust the person or people outside. Always have a dependable flashlight stashed somewhere in the car. Leave the engine running. Many doggers leave the car ignition on in case an emergency warrants getting away in a hurry. I'm not suggesting that you peel out in the middle of the event or anything; it's just a safety measure to let other people know that you will leave at the first sign of trouble.

In the last couple of years, dogging has really taken off in popularity. The thrill of watching or having people watch you have sex, and the excitement of getting caught teamed with the safety of having a cell phone on you if something goes wrong makes the idea feasible. It's fun.. but remember that it's not legal. That's probably half the fun of it!

What To Expect From A Swingers Club

While a swingers club is much like a vanilla club there is one subtle difference between the two. Most of the people in a swingers club will be getting laid later that evening while a majority of the people in a vanilla club will be going home alone. The first visit to a swingers club can be very intimidating. Many don't know what to expect and are nervous about the choices about to be made.

On your first visit to a swingers club you will walk in the door and see a 'check in' desk. You most likely will have to sign a 'no disclosure' statement. This is a "what goes on here stays here" kind of thing. You will pay for admission to the club and maybe an additional admission to the adult encounter area. The cost to enter these clubs varies widely, but be prepared to shell out a decent amount of money. I like to say that the higher price keeps out the riffraff, but in reality it's just another way to make a buck. People who are willing to put up the money are serious about swinging and not just a gawker out to cause problems.

As you enter the door of a swingers club for the first time you will encounter an atmosphere which most have never experienced in the plain Jane world. Many clubs have stripper poles, cages, and stages for erotic dancing or maybe just some extra fun. Whether the club is packed or just a handful of people lining the bar all eyes will be on you. Each couple enters the room feeling a sudden spotlight shining down on the entrance. There really isn't a spotlight, but I feel like a superstar each time I enter a swingers club. I imagine as I walk through the door a spotlight shines down on me and I am introduced to all. Be prepared to be looked at, gawked at, and drooled over. It's really not so bad and quite an ego boost.

A swingers club truly is a meat market for us married folk. It's a place where you can check out a man's wife and compliment her without the worry of getting punched. And propositioning someone for sex not only takes place, but also encouraged.

Every club will draw a different crowd. Some will be packed with 20-30 something hotties while others will be filled with the middle aged. And yet others will have little bit of everything to meet everyone's desires. Until you visit more than one club you won't know where the right place is for you.

Swingers talk. Rumors swirl the swinger community constantly about this couple or that party host, this club or that website. Try not to take anything you "hear" as total fact until you experience something yourself. A first trip to a swingers club will be an enlightening experience. It's a chance to see where you fit in or not fit in to this lifestyle or just a particular clubs lifestyle. Enter with an open mind and the time spent will be all the better.

Real Sex Tips From Women To Men

Just because it's getting chilly outside doesn't mean that your sex life can't stay smokin' hot. After a hectic summer filled with beach days, long nights and way too many weddings, autumn is actually the perfect to devote a little one-on-one time to your partner, particularly between the sheets. So read on to find out what real women love, from frisky foreplay ideas to the surest way to an earthquaking orgasm.

Get In The (Erogenous) Zone

Never underestimate the power of a few well-placed kisses. It drives me crazy when my boyfriend starts kissing the nape of my neck and gently nibbling on my ear lobe – I get tingles all the way down to clitoris. After a few minutes I'm literally begging him to just put it in.

Talk Dirty

You don't have to save all the naughty stuff for the bedroom. If you're out at a fancy dinner, tell your girl how badly you want her across the table. If you're at a bar, put your hand on her ass and tell her the things you'll do to her when you get home. Telling women how desirable they are will give them the confidence to act out all your dirty fantasies later.

Be a Boob Man

It drives me insane when my boyfriend takes the time to pay attention to my boobs. I don't just mean grabbing, I mean kissing and licking until my nipples are hard and then giving them little bites. By that time I'm usually so wet that just a little fingering will make me cum—and the times he's bitten down while his hand is down there I've had the most mind-blowing orgasms ever.

Touch Yourself

I know it may sound strange, but watching my boyfriend get himself off is such a turn on. I'll start by laying down naked next him, my body against his, and play with his member until he gets hard. Then I put his hand down there and just rub my body against him and watch. I think it makes me so hot 'cause it's kind of taboo, something he would do in private, but I also like actually seeing how much I turn him on.

Let Her Take Charge

When my fiancé and I are doing it missionary I usually feel as if I'm on the brink of coming and it makes me go totally wild. I'll push him back so I can get on top, place my arms on his to hold them down, and just ride him hard until I cum—and keeping eye contact the whole time makes it extra intense. So my note to guys is, there's nothing wrong with lying back and just enjoying the view.

Get Wet

Everyone talks about shower sex, but on nights when it's cold out or on a lazy Sunday draw a bath and get in together. Since you're both in the water you don't have to worry about the water flying in your face or one you getting cold. Adding bubbles is a nice tough, too. Since some of your bodies are hidden it helps with loosening inhibitions.

Women Like Porn, Too

It doesn't happen often, but every now and then when my husband and I are feeling especially frisky we'll put some porn on. We'll take turn getting on our knees and going down on each other while the other sits on the couch and the finish by going at it doggy style.

Doggy Style 2.0

My favorite sex position is when I lie down on the bed and a guy takes me from behind. Keeping a steady rhythm and grabbing my ass real tight will usually end with us coming at the same time and pretty quickly—it's that good!

A Quick Guide To Easy Casual Sex

1. Set Your Intentions.

If what you want is casual sex, remember that you are looking for casual sex. Think about what that means: physical pleasure without emotional baggage. That's your goal, not the romantic relationship that women are all fabled to want according to stereotypes. I mean, you can still want that -- but for our purposes here, on the Venn Diagram of you getting laid, casual sex and relationship sex are in two circles that don't touch each other.

2. Pick Your Standards

What are you looking for in a casual bed partner? I'm not saying you need to lower your standards, but there are plenty of people I'd consider a casual hookup with even though I'd rather not date them. This isn't a suggestion that you screw anyone who offers -- it's just a reminder that you aren't playing chess with these folks. It's OK to follow your crotch on this one.

3. Respect Your Boundaries

If you head out to the club and you pick out someone you want to bone for the night and then you decide that, actually, you don't think you are going to respect yourself in the morning -- listen to yourself on that one. You can say no. That's not something you give up when you go looking for casual sex. In fact, remember that you are in control of your sexuality on this one.

4. Enjoy Yourself

When you're starting a physical relationship with someone you are dating, sometimes it's easy to worry what they will think about your kinks or your boobs or whatever it is you're insecure about. Casual sex is a hedonistic indulgence. And since you may or may not ever see this person again, who cares if they think you're weird for wanting them to pull your hair? Tell them to pull your hair!

5. Don't Obsess

This is, for some people, the hardest part of the process. Don't think that just because you had a good time, you might be able to turn this into a relationship. Remember your intentions! You're only going to break your own heart if you fixate on this person. Does it happen that one-night stands sometimes turn into relationships? Sure. But don't bank on it.

There are other practical tips-- don't have casual sex with your friends unless you are sure they are also casual; have safer sex, using condoms and dental dams and so on; try to bone on neutral territory (I worry about taking strangers home). That all seems common sensical to me. Where I think our conversation needs to happen is where woman are not generally encouraged to think about sex as a physical action independent of emotional connection.

When I read about this, the article almost inevitably brings up how this is approaching sex like a man. Whatever, gendered assumptions! This is approaching sex like an activity that feels good, that doesn't have to be tied to some idealistic notion of love. I'm not knocking love; there's a reason I signed up on the monogamy train with Ed. (Taxes. No, that's a bad joke.) But there really can be more to sex than love. (The reverse is also true.)

I'm not cynical. I'm not saying romance is dead or anything like that. I'm just saying that sometimes no-strings-attached sex is a good reminder of how good you can feel, especially after a breakup.

How To Have An Affair Without Getting Caught

An interesting thing happens when you speak to hundreds of people who have ended relationships because their partner cheated; you actually learn how to have an affair. I have actually been asked by those in relationships to share with them how to have an affair so they don't get caught! For the record, I do not condone planning an affair or extra-marital relationships. I believe if you're contemplating cheating, my advice is to always try and solve your issues BEFORE you decide to stray, or end your relationship first. Nonetheless, for those of you choosing to explore an outside relationship, this article is for you.

Choose your partner wisely: Most people choosing to have an affair do NOT want to get caught. There's multiple reasons why you justify an outside relationship such as feeling neglected, poor communication, lack of passion, boredom, not enough sex, disappointment in your partner or you've met someone you just can't resist but don't want to leave your comfortable home life. Typically YOU want to be in control of the arrangement and be upfront with the person you are cheating on your partner with. Make it crystal clear to the person you are having an affair with, what the rules are. You will run the risk of playing the star role in your own soap opera if you don't. Choose someone whose relationship expectations are in line with yours. Avoid people who may not be emotionally stable or show signs of neediness.

Do Not Change Your Normal Routine At Home: People who get caught having affairs are those who all of a sudden change things about their appearance and their life routine all at once! Meaning you change your schedule (start coming home late) buy new clothes and change your hair style. When these things all at once; the red flags go up in your partner noticing that "something is different". Your partner will naturally suspect something is going on and will want to get to the bottom of things. When you introduce change, do it gradually and communicate it to your partner. Although your motivation may be for a different person, the irony is your partner will benefit as well if you include them in your changes. I've often heard men say to me "She started working late and changed her look without telling me. She seemed distant towards me and this is when I knew something was up." Keep all things normal and give your partner the same attention as you would have without the new person in your life.

Have an Ally or Alibi: We all have that ONE person who we tell everything to. This may be difficult when you're contemplating cheating on your significant other, but if you have a trusted person who "has your back", then it makes life a whole lot easier when it comes to getting away. Many cheaters I've encountered in the past often said they would use the excuse of being out with their best-friend having dinner, or a girls night or guys night out. Why would your partner question this when it's part of your normal routine. If you're thinking of how to have an affair, you need to be thinking of activities and things you participate in which take you out of the house. Perhaps you have a weekly movie night out, or you join an interest group such as "Meet-Up". Other activities like going shopping , getting a massage or facial, heading over to a Starbucks or Chapter's will allow you some time away from home without having to make up too much when you return from your rendezvous.

So there are some top tips on how to have an affair for those of you looking to have an outside relationship without getting caught. You could also try dating your partner and finding ways to spice up you current love life before deciding to cheat. You may be pleasantly surprised at how fun & exciting things can be when you put your energy and heart into it.

How to Not Get Caught Cheating

Cheating on your partner is a pretty serious decision to make, one that should be avoided if possible. But if you decide that you are going to do it, you should do it right to decrease the possibility of someone getting hurt. See Step 1 below to get started.

Use an online dating site, to help you find a partner from the privacy of your own home. There are even websites specific designed for people wishing to have extra-marital affairs. When browsing online, make sure to use the 'private' browsing feature in your web browser to make sure that your web history doesn't get recorded. You should also download an application to delete any cookies, history, etc. from your computer.

If your partner brings up suspicions they have, keep it simple, give them a lie they can hold onto, and then stop leaving evidence. Cover it up and don't make the same mistake again.

The more trusting and forgiving your partner is, the easier it is to lie to said partner, but try to keep the lying to a minimum. A mountain of lies no matter how well constructed is as good as proof in the end.

Don't get moody with your partner when you try to kick him or her out of the house to make room for someone else. Every suspicious act will bring you closer to getting caught or dumped.

It may be somewhat effective to occasionally act like you're suspicious of your partner's activity, as if he or she were the one doing the cheating. Be careful though, as this is recognized as a cheater's tactic.

If your partner makes a surprise visit and you barely have enough time to get the subject of your affair out of the house before your partner arrives, don't shrink away from his touch like you feel dirty or grumpy. If you act like you're happy to see him/her it's less suspicious than acting like you're pissed off that you were interrupted.

Cheating not only breaks hearts but it also break families, wipes away the happiness of peoples lives. And not only the life of the one who has been cheated but also of the one who cheated, in fact cheating often leads to depression, suicide and even killing sprees, so you could end up with innocent blood on your hands.

If you don't love him or her, then simply tell them the way you feel. Breaking up is the best way to get rid of the relationship that is bothering you, and the relationship that is eventually going to bother the other person as well.

If you do get caught your partner will be devastated. Surely the next step from your partner's side would be to go away from you by breaking the relationship, but if that really was supposed to be the end, then why shouldn't end it without anybody being felt ditched, guilty or liar etc?

A Novice Guide To Having Casual Sex

When I think back to sex education class in school, I mostly remember a lot of awkward diagrams and out of date educational videos from the 1970s. To say it left a lot to be desired, is the understatement of the century. Although we covered the basics of the "birds and the bees", when it came to casual sex and hooking up the general message was "Don't do it!" Although I hope sex ed class has changed a lot since I was a teen in the mid-90s, I'm not holding my breath. Most of what I know about casual sex (and sex in general) I've learned through personal experience.

From learning how to be comfortable in my own skin to dealing with those messy things called "feelings," here are a few things I really wish someone had told me about casual sex.

1. Casual sex happens and there's nothing shameful or wrong about it. When I think back to my high-school sex ed classes, the message was always very clear: "Don't have sex, but if you are going to do it, make sure you love the person and are in a relationship." While that's decent advice, it's not necessarily realistic. Sex in a relationship is great, but life doesn't always work out that way. Maybe you haven't found "the one" or maybe you're not looking. In the meantime, as long as you're playing safe and not hurting anyone, there's nothing shameful or wrong about having sex because you enjoy it.

2. You might develop feelings for the person you're sleeping with or hooking up with. This is a reality that I was completely unprepared for. When I was 18, I started seeing a guy who was quite a bit older than me. The first time we slept together, he came over, we had sex and then he went home five minutes later. Nothing could have prepared me for the pit in my stomach that I felt after my first casual sex experience. Although I tried to brush it off as "no big deal," the truth was I got attached to people after I slept with them. When those feelings weren't reciprocated it hurt.

3. It's Ok to have feelings. We live in a society where we're often hyper-exposed to sexuality. If we're not being taught that sex is shameful, we're being encouraged to have as much of it as possible. It can get pretty confusing. When I was in my early 20-something, I thought that in order to be empowered as a woman I needed to "have sex like a man" -- which means having as much as sex as possible with zero feelings attached. This also isn't realistic.

Both men and women can get attached to the people they sleep with -- I still do sometimes. It's OK to develop feelings...or not develop feelings. There is no one way to feel about the people you get naked with. However, keep in mind, if you find yourself continually developing feelings for your casual hook-ups and getting hurt in the process, you may want to re-examine whether casual sex is really for you.

4. People will use ridiculous excuses to get out of using condoms -- don't believe them. I thought this would improve once I got out of my 20s, however now that I'm having sex in my 30s I feel like it's only gotten worse. A lot of the guys I meet have either come out of long-term relationships or marriages and have been "spoiled" in the sense that they haven't had to use condoms for years on end. Luckily, condoms have made great technological strides in the past few years as far as fit, comfort and pleasure. Lacking knowledge about condoms is one thing. However, choosing to remain ignorant about the realities of STDs is just stupid.

I recently had a 35-year-old man tell me "condoms just feel impersonal" (and getting/spreading an STD is way more personal?!) Recently, I also heard another 30-something guy say that his method for protecting himself from STDs is to "pull out" (I don't think it works that way buddy). Lastly, I recently met a man in his 40s that argued that he shouldn't have to wear a condom because I should "just trust him." Clearly, these people are morons. Which brings me to my next point...

Until proven otherwise, assume everyone is as clueless as the people I mentioned above and take your health into your own hands. Always use a condom and practice the safer sex.

5. You can have really great sex with someone you don't necessarily love -- I think this is one of the biggest take-aways for me. If you practice safer sex, feel comfortable with yourself and the person you're with, you can have really great sex without the "L" word entering into the equation. There's nothing wrong with exploring your sexuality on your own terms!

Tips For No Strings Attached Dating

Here are 5 tips for NSA dating. Dating is hard enough as it is. Dating with no strings attached is even more difficult. To make an attempt at dating with no strings attached, you have to ignore and or suppress certain natural human urges. You have to keep yourself from getting to know too much about her. You can't allow her to find out too much about you. You have to make a real effort to keep those strings from attaching. And those emotional strings are the hardest to keep from attaching. If you want to learn how to date without any strings attached, this is how you do it. Check out these five tips for no strings attached dating.

1 - Go on dates that don't require a lot of talking. Communication is the gateway to intimacy. Finding out too much about your date will put you in risk of developing those emotional strings. Do things with your date that don't give you the chance to really explore her. Take her to the theatre or to the cinema, or even a football match. Remember, sharing is caring. So don't share too much. If you want to date with no strings attached then be proactive in not attaching those strings.

2- No spending time. Just do what you came to do and nothing more. Be it a film or a footall game, or even sex. Don't linger after the deed is done. Get in and get out. Spending too much time with someone is a sure fire way to develop feelings, and this is what you're adamantly trying to avoid. As far as women are concerned, spending time with her can be just as much a cause to develop strings as, say getting to know her. Spending time is a form of intimacy. It's just you and her, and the animal magnetism can begin to develop. So, don't spend the extra time.

3 - Don't call her to see how she's doing. Any extra inkling that you show to her of caring and compassion towards her, and you'll immediately feel those strings attaching on to you. It's sounds cold but, use her for what she's for and nothing more. If you're going out, just go out and that's it. Don't call her during the week to check on her. Don't show any interest in her outside of the time you spend. And even then, keep your distance. It is of the utmost importance that she doesn't begin to develop feelings. If she does, consider yourself attached, strings and all.

4 - Constantly remind her that you're not together. If she tries to get intimate, push her away. Don't let her get comfortable. She needs to know that you're serious about not being tied down. Chances are, you won't keep many girls for the long hall this way, but it'll work. The ones that stay around will respect the fact that you don't want to be with anybody.

5 - The sex. It's no secret that women develop feelings faster than men when sex is involved. Don't add to the issue by caressing her and being all tender with her. Sex with her should be nothing more than physical. Sex is probably the fastest way for her to develop feelings, therefore you need to make sure you're not making her feel too special during this time.

What is No Strings Dating?

No strings dating typically refers to a type of dating or relationship arrangement where both parties agree to keep things casual and avoid any emotional attachments or commitments. In other words, there are no expectations of a long-term relationship or any obligations to each other beyond enjoying each other's company and having fun together.

This type of dating can involve anything from a one-night stand to a friends-with-benefits situation, and it is often sought after by people who are not looking for a serious commitment or who may not have the time or emotional energy to invest in a full-blown relationship. However, it's important to note that communication and consent are key to any successful no strings dating situation, as both parties should be clear about their expectations and boundaries to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.